We will protect the integrity of the system.
As a trusted steward, we are dedicated to building a strong, stable and sustainable system. While financial sustainability is a key component, system integrity also includes good governance, privacy protection, modern technology, cybersecurity and sound legislative foundation.
“Success starts with integrity. If we work with integrity, our colleagues and stakeholders will trust and respect us. ”
– Phil Traverse
Manager, Division Support
Funding position
Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, a minimum funding level of 100% is required to ensure sustainability, with any shortfall to be recovered within 15 years. In October 2019, WorkSafeNB set a funding level target to reduce the impact of year-to-year fluctuations. This intended excess of assets over liabilities provides for more stable assessment rates for employers and assurance that funds for benefits will be there for injured workers when needed.
Annual target: 115%-125%